In my last post (far too long ago) I mentioned that one of my work buddies had been TTC since January 2008. Well, she took me by complete surprise two weeks ago by telling me that she was 10 weeks pregnant. Woo Freakin Hoo!!! Baby Bean will be here in January. Her news was so great that it made me not getting KU this month more bearable. 4 months is nothing compared to 4 ½ years!!!!
I will not say that I wasn’t disappointed because believe me I was. I thought for sure I would be one of those women that say “I want a baby” and it would happen right away. I have not started temping and I won’t until I hit 6 months. Just a personal decision, the whole idea of thinking about conceiving from the moment I wake up bothers me. I already think about it way to much. I will continue with the OPK’s and Evening Primrose Oil (it has really made a difference in my CM).
I have also started working out for an hour a day. There is a common misconception that “thin” women are healthy. I can’t tell you how many times someone has said to me “If I looked like you I would never work out”. Well, let me tell you about that…. Just because I am a certain size does not mean I am happy with the way things have started to shift downward. Also, I am the most out of shape person I know. I have no energy. It couldn’t hurt to do a little exercise.
On another note, I have read the 50 Shades of Grey series twice in the last month. It is AMAZEBALLS!!! Yes it is full of kinky fuckery, but that is not why I loved the books. The characters are very complex. It was fun watching them grow. Do not let people tell you that all the books are is “mommy porn”. I personally believe there was plenty of substance. I wouldn’t have read them twice if not.
I also had a girls night out with some friends just over a week ago. I never go out. I am a total homebody. However, when it came to watching Matt Bomer (this man should be cast as Christian Grey and it is a shame he is gay), Joe Mangeniello and Channing Tatum in less than clad outfits dancing, it was totally worth being a little less hermitish. Those boys put on a mighty fine show and I am still not sure what the story was about ;). However, I would love to find out what Channing has to do for a $20.
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